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Common Mistakes Young Christians make in their Relationship and Possible Way Out

Many Young, Middle aged Christian Youths makes some common mistakes when it comes to dating, and thereby end up been frustrated and having series of relationship breakups. Unhealthy actions and advice from peer groups, self thought, idleness and lots have affected lots of young men and young women in making right decisions in their relationship. In case you are in this mess, don't feel bad about yourself, there is hope for you. And in case you have a friend, sister or colleague that's presently frustrated in his/her relationship, you may be a bad person not sharing this with Him/Her. Below are Common Mistakes Single Christian Youth  makes in relationship, and Possible Solution to this mistakes are also provided. 1. Using Church Activities as a Hide Out: It is a good thing for you as a Christian to be active in Church activities, it is also nice to join groups and be committed to such as a Christian Youth. But while doing all these, you must also be careful not to miss out
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